Introducing: Anca Arsene

Published on 14. June 2022
PATCHBOX Back Office & Sales Assistant - Anca Arsene

Hello Anca. Welcome to our team! Could you please introduce yourself?

Hi. My name is Anca Arsene. I am 27 years old and I am from Sibiu, Romania. I studied Law and recently worked at a lawyer’s office as a jurist. The previous job I had was also pretty cool, I worked for the BMW Bank, where I got the chance to learn a lot about the automotive industry. I just started at PATCHBOX in February, so I am a fresh team member.

What’s your role at PATCHBOX and what will your tasks be?

I am Backoffice and Sales Assistant and currently, I support every back-office task from the Sales Managers and the team. I check every lead that comes into our system, assign it to the right salesperson and check out the really cool ones (and get excited about them haha). I also create every incoming order from our distributors and I stay in touch with them as well as with our clients. And in-between those tasks I also like to play with our office dog, Maja.

What is your first impression of the team and the office?

I already knew this was a really cool team because even during my job interview, I just laughed the whole time. I think we have the coolest team and am really glad to be a part of it.

How do you recharge after work?

I love spending time with my friends that I made since I moved to Vienna almost seven months ago. Mostly I drink a glass of Aperol with my boyfriend at Karlsplatz, or we go for long walks so I can discover the city.

What do you do in your free time?

I really like to visit and discover new places – so in the last few months, whenever I had free time, I visited a lot of museums and interesting places here in Vienna. I also like to read books about social philosophy. Of course, traveling is also on my list of pleasures, and I am glad that there are fewer restrictions now, so we can travel again to wherever we want to.

Now some fun facts about yourself!

What is your favourite TV show that you binge-watch every now and then?

I absolutely LOVE “Friends”. Whenever I am moody, or maybe a bit homesick, I watch the show. Fun fact: thanks to the show I learned English even better than at school.

If you could only eat one dish for the rest of your life, what would it be?

Definitely pasta – the green pesto and truffle ones.

When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grow up?

I wanted to be a lawyer because I grew up seeing my father become one. He still is my role model even though my desire for this job is not that big anymore.

Who was your idol when you were a kid?

I was a huge fan of Mr. Bean. There were not really a lot of options in Romania in the 2000s to watch on TV, but I remember enjoying Mr. Bean’s jokes.



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