The Staatstheater Mainz (Mainz State Theatre) was commissioned by Napoleon Bonaparte in 1804 and built from 1829 to 1833. It combines music theater, drama and dance under one roof – which requires good cable management. With PATCHBOX as the solution.
Facts about the Staatstheater Mainz
Built in
Visitors in 2015/2016
System administrator Kevin Hauck had seen the PATCHBOX in an advertisement on Facebook and was immediately hooked.
“I thought to myself, how cool is that? That looks awesome,” said Mr. Hauck of the Staatstheater Mainz. “The cable is already there and ready to use immediately, so I don’t have to carry the cables around anymore – I really wanted the PATCHBOX.”
After a bit of back and forth, the PATCHBOX was ordered through a system integrator and immediately installed in the ten network cabinets – with the helpful Setup.exe, which made the job easier.
“The installation in the nine existing network racks was of course a bit more work, but the tenth one – which was still empty – was quickly set up and it was very easy.”
Kevin Hauck is still speechless about the result: “It’s really difficult to put into words. The network cabinet is just unimaginably tidy. No tangles of cables or reams of cables in front of the network racks where you have to be happy to close the door of the cabinet.”

Right: the network rack during the implementation of the PATCHBOX
“You have to see it and try it,” the systems administrator recommended to other prospective customers. After seeing it and understanding the benefits of PATCHBOX, they would be immediately convinced.
“Wow, I’ve never seen anything like that,” a new colleague of Mr. Hauck stated. Friends and acquaintances received plenty of images of the tidy network rack, and even the system integrator gets to show off the photos of the state theater. (If you are in the vicinity of Mainz, you can take a look at the network rack on site. Please contact us so we can put you in touch with Mr. Hauck).
But the PATCHBOX not only looks good, it also makes work easier for Kevin Hauck and his colleague. Moving the network rack in the theater is much easier with the PATCHBOX’s innovative cable management system. With conventional cabling, the cables would have to be unplugged separately – a step that is saved with the PATCHBOX.
Another advantage is that it is no longer necessary to store and carry the cables around. Since the cables are already stored in the PATCHBOX and ready for immediate use, they do not have to be lugged around the theater box by box, which saves Kevin Hauck and his colleague a lot of walking and energy.