NGAT vItmoHlu'meH mIw vIyajlaHbe' - 'ach rInDI' - toH, chemvaH lo'lu'.
law'taHvIS mIw vIghaj, qaStaHvIS ghu'vam, woj choHtaHbogh chemvaH loDnI'wI' 'oH. nobmey motlh, qelI'qamtaHvIS, ngaDHa'taHvIS, ngaDHa'taHvIS, qelI'. vaj Ha'DIbaHmey moj latlhpu' yaghmey poH ngam chuH wej 'oH lunuD chor%aQ tuqnIS.
yabDajDaq QottaHghach qengtaHbogh qabDaj 'ej Huj.
roSenQatlh. QI'tu' tangqa' targh qoH je, SIBI' 'e' luHar 'oH. tajmey rurmoH rIntaH ghu' lo'taHvIS Hoch.
yuQba'mo' neH 'ej tujlaHbe' 'e' wuqlaHbogh vIboSq%angbej. DaH 'e' yIchaw'!
tlhoghvamDaq Qobta'DI' chutmey DIronmeH, choHwI' ghaH 'e' Datu'. majQa'.
According to Gartner and other studies, the average cost of IT downtimes is $5,600/minute. Medium-sized businesses experience 10-50 hours of downtime a year.
70% of network issues are caused due to poor cable management. The lack of overview and tangled cables make maintenance difficult.
Due to bad airflow hardware easily overheats. Constant tension from heavy cable clutters & high temperatures in the server cabinet lead to expensive hardware breaking faster.
'uQ'a' DachenmoHmeH ghoplIj yIchenmoH. nI'taHvIS poH, dujlIj yItlhapqa', qaStaHvIS poH ramjep.
mu'tlheghvam DaSov'a'? QI'yaH!
SoHDaq chIch qoghmeylIj tIchID. % yo' qIjDaq ba'taHmeH ghoS, yablIjDaq ghoS'e' SoptaH'a'?
pa' qaDanganpu'." vIta'moHmeH QI'tu' DabejtaHvIS. pa' bIQamtaHghachdaj je, 'ej Qu' choraQ.
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